lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011



Ex. 19:11 "And be ready against the third day;
for the third day the Lord will come in the sight
of all the people..." This is the first of
several similar allusions to the three eras of
divine manifestations.
Luk. 20:12 "And again he send a third: and they
wounded him..." The allusion to the three envoys
is very clear, although no names are
mentioned...even the prophecy that neither the
third envoy would be believed is also very clear.
Mtw. 17:3-4 And behold, there appeared unto them
Moses and E-li'as talking with him (Jesus)..."
Another reference to the envoys of the three
different eras and here it is very clear whom
those are. Please note also the presence of
Elijah, who was prophesized by Jesus Christ
himself to return in the time of
restoration.(Mtw. 17:11)
Jhn. 16:13 "How be it when he, the Spirit of
Truth is come, he will guide you into all
truth...and he will show you things to come..."
This is probably the most important prophecy
regarding a new era of manifestations,
anticipated by Jesus for the time of the end,
which is this one in which we live in.